First, let me say this. I grew up loving movies, being inspired and altered by the oversized transcendent images on the screen as much as anyone else. But I don't head off to the mall cinemas much anymore. It's expensive and when I do go, I usually leave the theatre disappointed. After reading a four star review, and eagerly taking my seat with a four buck tub of popcorn and a three dollar soda, I end up feeling like I should have waited for the video. Or not bothered at all.
Rarely do I see a movie that causes me to rave like I do over a book, to hound everyone I know about seeing it, or to reflect on it so much (and so loudly) that I drive everyone in my house crazy. But last night, Capote proved an exception. I left the theatre in stunned silence, but by the time I reached the car, I was talking wildly--and I haven't stopped since. It also drove me back to the work of an author who clearly bears rereading.
Not only is this movie powerfully acted (Philip Seymour Hoffman absolutely becomes Truman Capote) and dramatically riveting, it is that rare thing: a deep and complex study of character, personal motivation, and morality. And it that weren't enough, it's also about a writer!
"It's as if Perry and I grew up in the same house. And one day he went out the back door and I went out the front."
Thus, Truman Capote described his relationship with the killer who brutally murdered a Kansas farm family for forty dollars. It would surely have become a forgotten event, except in the small community that was scarred by it, and Perry Smith, another anonymous psychopath, if Capote hadn't written IN COLD BLOOD. The book lifted Perry Smith from the ignominious grave he inhabited after his execution, and made Capote a multi-millionaire, and the "most famous writer in America". The author's hunger for that adulation is the driving force behind both IN COLD BLOOD, and his own demise.
In the film, we see Capote artfully seducing everyone in his path with a combination of charisma and searing intelligence. From the intellectuals of the New York literary scene who gather around him at parties to the dogged FBI agent who wants justice for the victims to the imprisoned killer, Capote exercises his powerful charm to get what he wants. And what he wants is a story--at any cost.
From a writer's perspective, he was also a master of hype. Long before he'd written a word of IN COLD BLOOD, he was trumpeting it as "the work he was born to write." He promised that when it appeared it "would change the way books were written." And when it did come out, reviewers dutifully repeated those words, hailing it as "the first non-fiction novel."
But the film is not about Capote's clever hype. It's not even about the crime described in his exhaustive and masterful account. It's about betrayal--betrayal of a particularly literary nature. After gaining Smith's trust and mining his story, Capote not only abandoned him, he abruptly withdrew any help in fighting Smith's execution. Further stays, it seemed, could only delay publication of his book.
Could Capote have saved the killer's life with his money and his powerful friends? Perhaps, but probably not. Thus, the betrayal was one of the heart more than anything else. And it is in the writer's heart that it festers.
Capote claimed that after working on the book for four years, he merely wanted a resolution. But the film strongly infers that once he had his story, he hoped for a dramatic denouement to his journalistic "novel". A denouement that could only be provided by Perry Smith's hanging.
It wasn't until he got what he wished for that Capote realized that his bond with the dichotomously cold-blooded and sensitive killer ran far deeper than he ever knew. He would never publish another novel. And in the end, the writer's death from alcoholism and spiralling drug abuse was nearly as lonely as that of his most famous subject.
I'm soooo looking forward to this. It's not scheduled for release here until March though. I adored Capote when I discovered him but for some reason only got around to reading 'In Cold Blood' last year and loved it.
Great review, Patry. I bumped into some biographical stuff about Capote a while back (and found it intriguing), so I was excited when I heard about the movie. I'm looking forward to seeing it, even more so now that I've read your take.
sinead: I hope it's more widely shown when it comes to Ireland. I had to go to an alternative cinema to see it since the big theatres didn't have it. Hopefully, that situation is just temporary.
robin: I'm doing the reverse. Now that I've seen the movie, I'm looking for a good bio.
I just love Philip Seymour Hoffman. I think he's one of the best actors out there. Can't wait to see it!
I'm pretty sure I was looking into the history of the The New Yorker when I bumped into information about him. It was a long time ago, but here are a few links:
Truman Streckfus Persons, aka Truman Capote.
Someone else can probably recommend a good book about him.
I remember reading that book and being totally intrigued by it and freaked out.
stephanie: After this role, I think a lot of people will share your opinion of Hoffman. He is phenomenal.
robin: thanks so much for the link. Especially enjoyed the New Yorker review.
R: You have to see this movie.
Congratulations on your book deal! I just caught it today in Deal Lunch. YAYAYAY!
I loved the movie, and Hoffman was incredible.
Scot: I'll be eager to hear what you think.
David Thayer: Thank you so much for your kind words. I've been enjoying your thoughtful pieces on PM and elsewhere for quite some time.
And my friend, Martha! Thank you! It's a great feeling, isn't it?
Garnet: If he doesn't win the Oscar, I'm going to riot.
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