We have been walking at Eagle Pond for twenty years. We walked with the kids when they were small. We walked with our dog, Sadie, when she was young enough to race down to the pond, and obey her lab blood when it told her to swim whenever you get the chance, then to emerge from the water, shaking darts of sparkling light everywhere.
We also walked with her when she was so old that only fierce dog loyalty and the memory of her former joy in the place kept her going till the end, when she looked at the pond with nostalgia, but knew she could never navigate the steep hill that led to it.
Now that the kids have better things to do than hike with their parents and Sadie is buried in the front yard, we walk with other dogs, and with each other, still disbelieving that there will come a day when one of us will walk alone. Or that one day Eagle Pond will belong entirely to other hikers--their families, their dogs, their solitary dreams.
But not yet! Today I particularly enjoyed my walk because I was avidly stalking the perfect November leaf. At first, Ted made fun of me, but then he started his own collection, proving once again that art is elemental, contagious and everywhere.
Now for the links of the week:
Fiona Robin shares a poem called Seeing William in a Photo on Qarrtsiluni that one commenter calls "beautiful, memorable, hot." I agree. (You'll have to scroll down because I couldn't get the direct link to work, but scroll slowly; there's plenty of other fine things to read and see along the way.)
Dating God offers some excellent tips on building your blog, but as always, Kate's unique sassy voice is the best part.
Dave, whose photography grows more remarkable by the day, goes beneath the surface with his images of shallow leaves in water.
Thanks are owed to Sara who pointed me in the direction of Women that Meddle in Physick, a most informative post and for me, a great new blog.
And for those whose life is lacking in adventure, Zhoen suggests an anti-dote.
Natalie humbly reminded us that her own biography continues this week. Those who've been following this sporadic retelling of an extraordinary life in art and travel have been waiting for this installment for a long time. And to those who have yet to make Natalie and her friend Blaugustine's acquaintance, you're in for a treat.
And after all my searching, I did come back with the pearl I promised you. Awfully Serious is my Blog Discovery of the Week, chosen for its fresh perspective, its energy and above all its fine writing.
Good linkage!
I loved what you wrote about Eagle Pond ~ I didn't plan on sniffling away tears when I wandered over here tonight, but I suppose I needed a good cry anyway. :)
And I agree: them's some great links!
Awfully serious is a serious pearl, Patry. And Dave's photography...wow! Thanks for more terrific links. K.
zhoen: Thanks for your contribution.
Teresa: Thanks for understanding Eagle Pond enough to sniffle a bit over it.
k: One of the best things about blogging is sharing discoveries. Now off to finish up our little project!
Your leaf collages are very nice. I thought about collecting leaves to photograph for my blog today, but I didn't.
Thanks for the links; I will check them out soon.
Patry, wish I could do that walk to Eagle Pond with you but reading it is almost as good. And those leaves...delicious.
Thanks for putting me in the links. Humility was never one of my virtues.
kenju: Still time to collect your leaves! It is a wonderful experience in seeing and wonder.
natalie: Humility is over-rated.
I agree with everyone else, and love the photography. As far as the leaves go, I've bagged a dozen bags of perfect November leaves from my back yard (and another 12-bags worth have fallen in the two days since) -- I'd be glad to share;-)
- Matt
I love the leaf art, Patry. And the links are fantastic. I've bookmarked Awfully Serious. Such fine writing.
I love Natalie's blog, but don't visit it often because I can't seem to get her feed to come up in my Bloglines. Thanks for the reminder. As for Kate...well, one of my long-time favorites. Thanks for the links!
aye aye!!
agree with your definition of art, it should be recorded as so.
Your musings on Eagle Pond moved me. My current dog is called Sadie. She's a little Jack Russell. My daughter said, the other day, "Sadie's getting old, Mommy. Look, she's got gray hair." She does, but she's only eight. I refuse to consider the possibility that she will get old. It's way too hard to lose a friend as loyal and loving as a dog.
Hi Patry,
The imagery in this post (" ... shaking darts of sparkling light everywhere") and the message of transcience are beautiful. Thank you.
matt: I've probably got a dozen bags worth accumulating in my own back yard--though I'm not sure how perfect they are.
r.a.: Glad you enjoyed Awfully Serious! Picking up leaves and studying them I thought of your good planets project. The more you look, the more you marvel.
marilyn: Glad to lead you back to Natalie for this latest installment. She says so much.
(more later...)
I went to B&N today, looking for your book. How foolish of me not to notice your publish date. I have it on the calendar for Feb.
gulnaz: Thank you!
tarakuanyin: I have a jack russell, too. She is six, and so energetic that it's hard to believe she will ever be anything but a puppy.
Michael: Transience is what makes the world shimmer so. Thank you--
kenju: Wow. Thanks for the effort--and if you asked for the book, that may spur them to order!
Thanks for the links - and the lovely leaf collections, too! They make me wish we had more colorful fall foliage here (but then we have much warmer weather, so I suppose that's the trade-off).
tinker: You can always come to New England next fall! I would love to meet you--
Hi ! THank you for the links! I teared up myself , reading about Eagle Pond! THe nature photos are great! BTW: I see you at Tinker's site all the time and have been meaning to stop by and say hi ! PS: THe wallpaper face will find YOU ! ha! Pam Aries!
Wonderful links, Patry! And your blog choice for the week is inspired. Of course, that's just one more I'll add to my evergrowing list of daily reads! cheers, JP
pam aries: A friend of tinker's is always welcome here. Glad to know I can stop looking for the wallpaper face. It will find me.
deborah: The problem with making new discoveries is exactly that: the list grows and time shrinks. Still, it's fun!
Thank you so much for making my blog your discovery of the week! You seem so kind, and every reader you have sent my way has been friendly and insightful--this in a week where earlier I was doubting if I should continue writing online.
It's wonderful and inspiring to see the positive side of the internet. I'm honored.
Take care,
Loving your pond story and the links...thank you :)
X Darlene
Love the collages of leaves and nature's treasures. Am off to check out the links, which look delicious! Thank you.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Eagle Pond looks to be a neat place. And that book looks interesting!
Thanks for the link to "Awfully Serious" which has gone right into my Bloglines list!
alison: I'm so happy to have found you!
Darlene: Why do I always smile when I see your photo? I think it's contagious!
tara: Hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed assembling them. This is really my favorite kind of post.
beth: Thank you for reminding me to blogroll her myself--I hadn't done it yet.
Thanks, Patry - I'd love to meet you, too
Thanks for the links.
I love the things you are gathering ... mementos that seem solid and real. Life changes so very fast!
tinker: ...though in a very significant way, we already have met. Is the blogosphere amazing or what?
gerry: Glad you enjoyed them.
becca: I thought the same thing when I looked at my leaf art the next day. All of them were brown and curling.
Your post was touching and sad, but the beautiful pictures made me smile. Those lily pads! Thanks for all of it, including the links.
robin: Aren't those lily pads great?
I so enjoy I good walk and Eagle Pond sounds like the perfect spot.
Now I am off.. to visit your blog discoveries. :-)
coll: blog walking is almost as fun as a walk in Eagle Pond. Enjoy!
Wazzzup. Very interesting, really!
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