Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Worry Beads, originally uploaded by pfong.

Surgery is scheduled for tomorrow at 8 a.m. so the other night, lying in bed, I started to relive my recent experiences. It was easier not to contemplate what was about to happen to me before my first operation. These days I know too much.

My heart did a jumpy thing. Was it palpitations? A sign of undetected heart disease? Was I really fit for surgery? After all, I've done nothing but much but hang out on my couch the last couple of months--not very good training for another marathon in the OR.

Then I realized that I was worrying, and that worrying is optional. Phew! I turned out the light, put the worry beads under my pillow and slept like a child.

See you all in a few days.


Zhoen said...

You will be in my heart. Imagination can be a terrible thing, I know.

Eric Riback said...

Beautiful thought, thank you and best wishes!

Anonymous said...

Great idea! Thinking of you with healing wishes and hugs!

Kerstin said...

Why has no-one ever told me that, that worrying is optional? Sending you warm wishes for a good surgery! Kerstin xo

Anonymous said...

thinking of you, patry, and wishing you peace of mind, heart, and body...

Deirdre said...

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. Be well.

Unknown said...

Sending prayers and good thoughts from California; God bless.

liz elayne lamoreux said...

i am sending prayers and warm healing light to you...
i love this image if slipping the worry beads under the pillow.

floots said...

i'll be thinking of you
best wishes

elsie said...

Thinking the best thoughts for you ...

Anonymous said...


Lynne Griffin and Amy MacKinnon said...

Oh,Patry, it's a lot to endure, but endure you will. Utterly exhausting.

I wish for you a restful, pain-free, anxiety-free, compassionate recovery. For Ted as well. You're in the hearts and minds of so many.

Amy MacKinnon

jzr said...

Prayers and healing light surround you.

Myfanwy Collins said...

Thinking of you, Patry, on this snowy day. Sending you hope and light instead of worry.

Gary Boyd said...

"Worrying is optional."

Looks like another nugget to add to my life treasures.

May your day be blessed with a worry free outcome...Hurry back.

Anonymous said...

Worrying is optional - I'm going to write that on my wall.

YOur surgery is probably over by now and I hope you're resting comfortably, family by your side. You're a brave on, Patry.


♥ N o v a said...

Sending you healing wishes.


Anonymous said...

Thinking of you, Patry.

Anonymous said...

. . . by the time you read this you will have sailed through surgery, have spent another bit of time in you hospital room, soaking up the energy as you always do, energy of the fellow folks in for health tweakings, the staff that serve you guys . . . maybe you're even home in your snug sweet home, with your love ones and beloved "things". we love you patry . . . and send you such well wishes . . . :) dqv

robin andrea said...

Thinking of you and sending the warmest wishes for easy surgery and complete recovery and health. Love to you.

MB said...

Thinking of you.

rdl said...

Good girl! you will be fine, i just know it.

Allie said...

Sending tons of good thoughts your way.

Worry beads -- what a wonderful idea!

Judy Merrill Larsen said...

Sending warm, healing thoughts for you . . . hope beads, so to speak!

Much love-

Anonymous said...

Hi Patry,

It's 7:30 -- hopefully you're resting with Ted and kids bedside. We're thinking of you and sending positive thoughts, prayers, karma your way for a speedy recovery. Celebration will be in order this spring. All my love, Alice

steve on the slow train said...

I hope all wnt well. My hopes and prayers for a speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

I continue to send bright, pure white light and healing prayers to you Patry and I keep your family in my thoughts too.

Sky said...

i have thought of you many times today, sending positive energy and healing wishes across this land. you remain in my prayers. i am imagining you in your room right now, resting peacefully with ted sitting near by. i hope it all got done this time so you don't have to do this again! i thought of you last night, wondering if you were able to rest or if the jitters were getting to you. i have that problem the night before surgery. as soon as you are strong again you MUST teach a class on how to let things go and stay in the moment. you could make a fortune teaching us some of your healing ways! i need private tutoring! LOL

sending our love to you and ted always. x0x0

Larramie said...

You have at least a thousand points of light -- out here -- glowing with blissful wishes wishes for you, Patry.

Maryanne Stahl said...

om mani padme hum

strength, light, support, prayers, love.

see ya real soon.


because we LIKE YOU!

Mary Ann said...

Hoping everything went well today. Thank you for the thought that worrying is optional.

Anonymous said...

Well, you are in my new issue of Vanity Fair! Your name on page 108! You probably already know this and certainly there are more important things, but I was excited to see your name anyway.

All the best and beautiful wishes coming your way.

Anonymous said...

I'm sending so many good vibes and healing light your way, Patry!

(And thanks for reminding me that worry is optional.)

Lisa said...

Love to you xo

Anonymous said...

HI Everyone:
Patry is doing very well following successful surgery. We hope to have her home in several days. Thanks for all your support and prayers.

Left-handed Trees... said...

Thinking of you, Patry...thank you as always for the reflections here. Worry *is* optional, how right you are. Thanks, Ted, for the update!!!
Love to you,

Lorna said...

You're in my heart, mind and prayers.

Laura J. Wellner (author pseudonym Laura J. W. Ryan) said...

We're all cursed with this imagination that runs away with us, I wouldn't have it any other way. Worry is part of the life package...especially a woman's! Peace of mind sold separately...awww...heck, women are the travel agents for worry! Our combined thoughts are with you always dear friend, get well soon!

Laura and Fred

PS Don't worry.

Anonymous said...

You are in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you! Hope all goes well.

Anonymous said...

I'm just getting caught up (again!) - and I hope and pray that those worry beads weren't needed at all -- that everything went well for you, dear Patry. Sending you much, much love~XOXO

Sustenance Scout said...

Thinking of you, Patry!! Love, K.

i beati said...

what surgery is this exactly??I loved your post .no choice right ..cool picture. You and we all are brave-cancer changes people in so many ways but we are so brave..

Anonymous said...

sending you my best thoughts, prayers, and energy.

Anonymous said...

Patry, a friend told me about your blog and I took a peek. Most blogs are pretty much the same - but you have something to say. Now, as you undergo this test of strength and courage, I feel compelled to add my prayers and love to you. You are a most gifted writer and and an even more gifted being...you personify so much that most of us strive to be. You are in my heart, my thoughts and prayers.

floots said...

thank you for the update
glad things went wellbest wishes

leslee said...

Ach, didn't know you had more surgery. But glad now to hear it went well. Sending healing wishes your way. Rest well. Will be thinking of you.

LitPark said...

Thanks for the update, Ted. Thinking of both of you. xo

Anonymous said...

Good luck and lots of hugs. You have been so brave and wise. Lots of love your way...

Laura Benedict said...

Sending love and prayers, Patry.

Thank you, Ted, for the update. I hope Patry's home and comfy now....

Anonymous said...

Worrying is optional, thanks for reminding me, I needed reminding. Thinking of you and wishing you all the best.

steve on the slow train said...

Ted and Patry--I can't imagine having to go through this, either as patient or spouse. Thank you, Ted, for the update. I just hope this is the last surgery and that you two can get back to a normal life together.

katrina said...

My thoughts are with you, Patry.

Kim Smith said...

God Bless You Patry!

Marilyn said...

Oh, Patry, I'm behind in my reading...just seeing this on Sunday. Please know I'm thinking about you and sending you much love. xoxo

John Robison said...

I hope all went well with you.

Best wishes

daringtowrite said...

Hello Patry, First off, I'm grateful to Ted for the update. I didn't get here soon enough to send my well wishes before your surgery and I am so glad to hear that all went well. You've been on my mind all week long.

The Liar's diary arrived in my mail box last week and though I finished the story this afternoon, it is not yet done with me. I am still in its grip, entranced by the complexity of the journey and simply enthralled by your writing.

What a gift you have! What a gift you are!

Ciara said...

best of luck with the surgery


pohanginapete said...

Time's a funny thing — by the time I get here, Ted's already told us things are looking good. I don't know whether my delight at hearing good news outweighs my frustration at not having added my good wishes before the event. OK, I guess it does. And I'll add the good wishes for a fast and full recovery.

Therese said...

What a gift you have for perspective, Patry.

Thinking of you and wishing you the speediest and most comfortable of recoveries.

xo Therese

Kate Evans said...

Thank you for your reminder that worry is optional. That helps me today, even though what I have to face is nothing compared to your trials. Sending you good energy across cyberspace...