I had thought of doing something more elaborate to mark the occasion., originally uploaded by diastema.
Yep. I really could do it.
Really could come home at around two tomorrow morning and tell you all, I finally got the guts. Or the belief in myself. Or the willingness to let go. Whatever it takes to finally quit waitressing my job.
As you all know, I rather like the work. Not on all days or with all the people I serve, but on most.
But it's all about the TIME. Today I'm scheduled to be in at 3, and the wedding isn't over till midnight. Then we have to clean up and set chairs for a ceremony in the morning. In other words, I'm looking at an eleven hour day. A hard eleven.
Which would be okay. If there weren't so many things I WON'T be doing while I'm lifting and hauling and smiling. So many things, that it seems increasingly unwise to put off. My real work, for one thing.
If I were a bumper sticker person, I'd be slapping a variation of the most popular one on my car right now: I'D RATHER BE WRITING, it would say.
Maybe I should listen. Maybe I should stop talking about it on the blog and do it.
This could be the day...
Sometimes you just have to take the plunge. At the same time, you have to survive. Is waitressing the make-money job?
Quitting! (long, drawn out, very Irish sigh follows) It's my fantasy too. Maybe it's everyone's.
But... those bills that come every month? Whether we can pay them or not?
Did you ever hear of C. Northcote Parkinson -- and Parkinson's Law? Parkinson's Law states that "work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion."
So you stop waitressing... and you may still not have time to get to all the work you've set out for yourself. But the bills will come anyway.
(Another long, wistful Irish sigh follows.)
hmmm. I like both sides of the argument that have already been written. I quit again because of the damn arm.
... so... was it?
i was just having a similar conversation with my friend the other day -- how it seems like there are not enough hours in the day to do all of the things that i want to do -- and i have to do so many things i don't want to do in order to pay for the things that i do want to do...a vicious cycle, for sure...
wondering.....how did it go? were you ready? ;)
Another side? if the payment of the bills are not secured, focus becomes difficult and little to no writing gets done.
So we are all waiting here with baited breath; when are you going to get up and post? Marilyn quit her job yesterday - must be the full moon. I wish i could quit my real job that's for sure.
I'm with you in spirit! I became self-employed a few years ago but had a regular weekend art-fair gig that paid the bills. To let that go too, about a year ago, was scary. Like you, I had enjoyed it, and you know, being a writer isn't very social. At the art-fair I had a lot of friends and several days of gossiping etc. BUT the amount of writing I was able to get done once I let all that go... HUGE difference! HUGE!! My husband is currently on the cusp of quitting his 2-night a week pub job, but again, as a freelance, it's scary. Good luck to you in your decision. I say go for it!
You will miss that cash, but stay the course, write.
And delete that anon, it's a spam phisher. I got a few, that I didn't notice as such, then got slammed a week or so later.
You have to do the thing that has the best long-term consequence for you, and if I had to guess, I'd say, never buy another pair of nursey-looking, easy-on-the-feet shoes again.
Really, I love all your comments and your pro and cons. They sound a lot like the argument that's been going on in my own head. But in the end the argument went like this:
Can I use the money?
Do I absolutely need it to survive?
For once in my life, no. For once in my life, money from the work of my mind and heart is enough to cover the bills.
Isn't that an amazing gift? And when you get a gift like that, shouldn't you take it?
Well, uh, yeah, I guess maybe I should!
So I did. I took it--though I agreed to stay on for four weeks because so many events are scheduled.
You have great courage - but don't you just know, deep down, that it is going to be great! And you have such an effusive cheering section!
You will do the right thing ... I know what it's like not to have time to do what you really really truly want to do. It's called frustration, I believe; not a peaceful feeling at all.
Have enjoyed catching up with your latest blogs - such a fantastic report back from your trip to NY - sublime stuff - thank you :)
i had the decision taken out of my hands
but packing up work was the best thing i ever did
(well - except for .....)
a little part-time here and there to pay for car repairs is all it takes
go for it
Headin down with the champagne!- good for you. You go girl!
When all is said and done...
Writing is much more fun...
(except for swimming)
I am ALL FOR people quitting their jobs. Do it, do it, do it!!! Of course, have I done it? Noooooo.
So, did you?
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