Everything I tried to write today fell victim to the ruthlessness of the delete key. My word count for the day? 9. That's right, I ended up with a single sentence--which I'll probably delete tomorrow.
I had a list of important phone calls I intended to make. Didn't make them.
Didn't get to the gym either.
Was even thinking of cleaning out the refrigerator, but guess what? Never quite got around to it.
A neighbor kindly brought me some iris bulbs last week, and every day he passes by, I'm afraid he'll notice they're still in the bright purple bucket he left behind. Of course, I do intend to fold them back into the ground and imagine spring...but not today.
So what exactly did I do? Hmmm... I'm not sure what happened to most of my hours.
But I did go down to the beach with Ted and the dogs. I marvelled at the color of the yellow golden rod amidst the sea grass, and the bright cobalt sky. I watched the Piping Plovers and when they flew away, I studied the delicate prints they left on the sand. I commented on the fineness of the day, I put my feet in the water and whenever I passed a fellow walker, I smiled and said hello.
It's not much, but some days it's all you can do.
In other news, Killer Year, a group of writers who have debut suspense novels or thrillers coming out in 2007, launched a new Website. The divine MJ Rose lent her support by posting on the blog. I am proud to be part of this diverse and innovative group. So please, come on over and check us out!
you're living my dream life. except for the dogs. I'd like to walk Denzel Washington and Johnny Depp.
lorna: Now THAT would be a productive day.
that sounds much better than cleaning out the fridge or going to the gym....
ruby: It really was THE most perfect day of the year. The fridge and the gym will be there tomorrow, but a day like this needs to be seized.
Now that turned into a great day! So much better than not getting anything done at home, a lesson in there for me. And who's that gorgeous girl on the beach?
Sounds like an interesting group of writers with a most unusual name.
Lovely post and your penultimate paragraph is a gem. Thank you Patry.
And Lorna made me laugh .....
Sigh. You just have the best blog in the world.
I love that photo. What a day!
Lorna made me laugh, too.
I'll go check out killeryear.com.
What? No guilt? No angst? Just a pleasant -- and it looks pleasant -- day at the beach?
You'll jeopardize your tortured artist credentials for certain!
Hmmm...well, it sounds like it was a very productive day--just not in the way you may have intended. Call it a "composting day", enriching the roots a little...maybe this one will go more according to plan. (But, aren't the most delicious days the ones that don't?) I loved the photo also...
A composting day...love it. Guess I'll have one today as I have a little helper home from school with a low fever. Had to cross lots of stuff off the to-do list, but didn't exactly mind...funny how that works. :) Great photo!
Aw, that is such a nice picture. I miss the ocean. I used to go to FL once a year, but haven't been able to for the last 6 or so years.
Hey, congrats on the book!
marja-leena: It is an interesting group of authors. Though our styles and our aims as writers are undoubtedly different, we are united in two ways: we've all written novels that take on the complexity of evil, and we're all seeking new innovative ways to get the word out to readers.
Thanks, Susan!
Mary: Thank you! Lorna ALWAYS makes me laugh or see something differently. Usually both.
Tish: Thank you, my dear. I owe you a martini for that comment. P.S. Note the straight leg jeans--purchased on your fashion advice. Now I'm even styling at the beach!
zhoen: And you get a martini, too.
curmudgeon: But of course, there was guilt and angst! I'm not only a card carrying neurotic writer, I'm an Irish one.
left-handed: There's a lot of wisdom in the idea of a "composting day". Though it goes against our instincts, often those days when we just do "nothing" are the ones when the sub-conscious has time to work.
Karen: Hope your little one is feeling better. My mother always believed the best cure for a sick child was chicken soup and board games in bed. Her secret? She always let me win--which she now claims was good for my immune system. My secret? I knew what she was doing, but winning felt good anyway.
faith (x-posted): Maybe this year?
And also to Faith: Thank you!
Wow, patry, you look gorgeous and happy. The perfect combo. Sounds like you had a great day. Things must be percolating underground. That's why we have quiet days.
What a perfect day!
Wanna trade lives with me for a few weeks or so??
Will check out that site. . .
robin andrea: Thank you! (Gotta love those long distance shots...but yes, I am happy.)
kitchenwitch: If I get to eat cake at my 37th birthday again, I'll give you my beach any day. So happy to see you here again!
You weren't kidding about being behind the desk overtime! The ocean is a cure for it all! These days, I have to drive 5 hours to see one.
I should do that more often myself, considering that I live as close to the beach as well- ocean so therapuetic!!
and i'll have one of those martini's as well,please & Thank you. Make mine an appletini. can't wait to we actually do this!!
colleen: You may be far away now, but I know you still have HUll in your bones. xo
r: appletini sounds like the perfect fall drink. Your beach or mine?
LOL @ Lorna. Now that's an interesting image.
Patry, great picture. You should use it in your profile. :~)
robin: I think Lorna has upstaged me here--and I love it! Have to go let her know.
c: Cute, er, holy cow! And thank you!
sounds good to me
it's what i/we do most days
(and quite often i take dead dogs and people with me to talk to)
Ah, Cape Cod. I closed up the house last week and set out for Illinois, for a family visit, before returning to Florida until May. I find it harder every year to make myself go back to where the weather suits my clothes.
Gerry: I'm hoping your camera can catch the colors of Florida the way it
captures the doorways and clam shacks of Cape Cod.
What a great picture! My compliments to your photographer.
Also, I would just like to point out that it takes a certain amount of natural style to dress to match both ocean and dogs. :)
Sara: And it takes a certain amount of style to notice such color coordination...As for the photographer, my husband appreciates the comment.
Well done!
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