I've been tagged by mb for another meme.
accent: When I'm in my hometown, I lapse into a Boston accent; at other times, people have thought I'm Irish. But mostly, I'm as neutral as a newscaster from Nebraska. (Nice alliteration, huh?)
booze: pale wine in the winter, dark beer in the summer
chore I hate: cleaning the tub--or the fridge. The oven, too, though at least, it no longer involves those noxious fumes. And the microwave when people forget to use a paper towel....Am I only allowed to hate one chore?
dogs/cats: one aging shepherd/lab mix, a jack russell, and two cats.
essential electronics: computer, stereo, and my digital camera, if that counts
favorite perfume/cologne: anything that smells really clean
gold/silver: probably silver, but jewelry isn't my passion
hometown: Brockton, Massachusetts, former "shoe city of the world". Also home to legendary boxers Rocky Marciano and Marvin Hagler
insomnia: If it were an Olympic sport, I'd be a gold medalist.
job title: Writer. Always have been, though this is the first year I got to write it on my tax form.
kids: four
living arrangements: Live in a house with people I love and lots of plants and animals.
most admired trait: Willingness to learn
number of sexual partners: Does anyone really answer this one?
overnight hospital stays: Every time I go near the place, I leave with a baby.
phobia: Public speaking! (Oh my god, how will I ever give readings?)
quote: "No fear. No envy. No meanness." — Liam Clancy
religion: According to a quiz I recently took on Stephanie Anagnoson's blog, I'm a mix of Bhakta, which is a pure lover of God, and a philosopher type.
siblings: Just me and an army of imaginary friends.
time I usually wake up: Late. Old waitressing habits die hard.
unusual talent: I can do more sit-ups than anyone I know, even if I never practice.
vegetable I refuse to eat: Don't much like beets, but I wouldn't turn down a bowl of borscht with sour cream.
worst habit: Disorganized. Lazy, too. Grumpy when overtired. Prone to melodramama. Which is considered "worst" depends on who you ask.
x-rays: lots of dental
yummy foods I make: Start with tomatoes, garlic and cayenne...and take it from there. Also make a great chocolate cake with cream cheese icing.
zodiac sign: Leo
Now for my taggees: How about getting some men involved: Perfect Virgo maybe? Fred Garber? Floots? (If I picked on you last time, you are exempt.) P.A Moed, Marilyn, Jordan Rosenfeld, and anyone else who'd like to share their bad habits and number of sex partners on the world wide web...have at it.
Sorry Patry, that was me above.
I enjoyed this. Empathise with the hated chores. And I had the same query in my mind re N.:-)
That was a fun list to read.
nice job!
I love the way you give everything you touch your own flavor. That's why I wanted to tag you!
There are so many delightful responses here, but my favorite, hands down, is this:
"Writer. Always have been, though this is the first year I got to write it on my tax form."
Yay, Patry! I'm so happy and proud for you.
Yep I'm up for that Patry - can you give me a few days and I'll put it up on my site.
Love your list esp. prone to melodrama :-)
Does meme = truth? If so, you souond like such a cool and together person, except for your irrational reaction to hospitals.
mary: I see you've been tagged as well. Will look forward to your answers.
andrea: I'd love to read your responses if you feel like trying it!
Thanks, r.
mb: It was a great moment. I was about to write "waitress," and then I realized, I wasn't that anymore. My inner life and my outer life were finally in synch. Thanks for noticing that.
p.v. I'll be watching for it. I'm wondering which chores a virgo finds repellent...among other things.
thanks, Lorna. I think you're pretty cool, too.
I am with you on the beets and tub cleaning! I hadn't realised that you have 4 kids, wow. I bet they think you are a very cool mom.
As always it is nice to learn a bit more of the essentials about you and this made for entertaining reading, thank you!
I like this meme. It covers so much and lets you wander through the whole alphabet of interests. Very cool.
I too have an aging shepherd mix. Such a lovely dog. We call her grandma. :)
And thanks for the mention. I have a ton of hits from your site!
Okay, is 'melodramama' a typo, or a hilarious new word? Either way, it made me laugh. Fun list, Patry!
insomnia - it is a shame we don't live closer - we could play bridge or scrabble all night! was fun reading this. i agree with mb - congrats are in order!
Oooh, this is a fun one--haven't seen it before. I'm going to do it...but since I've already posted, like, a dozen times today...maybe it'll wait until tomorrow. (I am NOT answering the partners question though!) :) As for your sit-ups ability...thank GOD someone's doing MY quota...
of COURSE you get to hate as many chores as you wish! But I am the supreme Queen Despiser of chores. I have just spent a whole day painting my bedroom, cleaning (sorta), and I am feeling like we should get one full day in Italy for every chore we have to do. This was such a fun tag to read, btw!
What fun! It inspired me to do one of my own.
I liked this list - nice and random, and the bit about leaving hospital with a baby made me laugh!
Dark beer in winter and wheat beer in summer (with lemon!)
Do you recall that my maternal grandmother was from Brockton and did work in on of the shoe factories.
Patry, this I just posted this morning about public speaking phobia related to a recent open mic.
Ah so there you are
It's not so much that i'd mind listing the number of sex partners. It's just that once a gal's pushing sixty, it's mighty difficult to remember 'em. ~;-)
We have an aging lab/shep mix too. 13. Yesterday we were at the vet's to get her anal glands "expressed"
Fun! I know that is gross. But if yours gets a swollen hiney one day, now you'll know exactly what that's about. hahah.
I have just finished answering the A-Z meme so next time you are passing my way... :)
Love the Nebraska aliteration. :) And the fact that you got to put writer on your tax form. Hooray!
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