Thursday, September 14, 2006

11 things that made me happy today

Joy, originally uploaded by Pensiero.

1. Dark chocolate covered cherries from Trader Joe's first thing in the morning. Even before I had my coffee. Yes!

2. Talking to my friend, R, on the phone about the funny hairstyles we had in old photographs...even though our hair pretty much looks the same as it did then.

3. Deciding on colors for my new Website with my amazing designer, at Author Bytes. Black, white, red, blue...can you see it now?

4. Discovering a great young Australian writer named Cate Kennedy and wanting to tell everyone I know.

5. Comments on my blog! (Thank you.)

6. A nice e-mail from a very talented writer.

7. Coffee with my friend Laura who was so excited about some music she heard in concert last week that we had to go into the music store and listen to James Hunter on the spot.

8. Dancing as I listened, then looking across the store and seeing that Laura was dancing, too.

9. Being followed out of the music store by a very cranky clerk, who seemed to think we had stolen the CD.

10. Laughing about it because we were full of music and we never had to steal a thing.

11. Blowing very sincere kisses to cranky people everywhere. Maybe if they ate more chocolate covered cherries?


Anonymous said...

Mmm, maybe I should start my day with chocolate covered cherries too! Lovely list, Patry.

Patry Francis said...

marja-leena: You seem plenty cheerful--with or without chocolate covered cherries.

Ellen said...

My grandfather used to LOVE chocolate-covered cherries. Thanks for bringing back the memory. (And for the link!)


rdl said...

Hey did you save me some cherries? They'll go great with that champagne we've yet to drink.

Patry Francis said...

ellen: I think your grandfather and I would have gotten along very well.

r: Mmmm...cherries and champagne. The breakfast of champions?

The Curmudgeon said...

I don't think I'd appreciate anything in the morning before I've had my coffee. Maybe just plain chocolate. Maybe.

I like the scene in the record store. (Sorry, I still can't help but call it that....)

Patry Francis said...

susan: you seem like you have plenty of joyful energy--even without the chocolate covered cherries.

curmudgeon: They're still record stores to me, too! Next time you see me dancing in one, make sure you join me.

Sharon Hurlbut said...

And reading your list has made me feel happy. Thanks for sharing the joy!

Lorna said...

A day with music and chocolate is worth remembering with joy.

Patry Francis said...

sharon: Thank you!

paris: Just got on the scale, and found I gained five pounds. Maybe I better start the day with celery. The music can stay though.

lorna: You should know! It seems there's plenty of joy in your days, too.

Zhoen said...

Chocolate good.

Patry Francis said...

zhoen: And it even has anti-oxidants!

Anonymous said...

Trader Joe's has dark chocolate covered cherries?!? I never knew. I guess I know where I'm going after work.

By the way, I love your blog and the perceptiveness of your view of the world.


Patry Francis said...

Nancy: Thanks for the visit and the kind words. And oh yes, do try those cherries. One warning: they're totally addictive.

P. A. Moed said...

Hi. I'm back again after a long break. I just read what you wrote about James Hunter. We saw him in concert this summer and he's fantastic. I'm happy to hear his music is getting around. Even Starbucks carries a compilation of his work...about the price of 4 grande lattes...

Patry Francis said...

Patti: We just heard he's going to be in Northampton soon. If there's any way we can get away that weekend, we'll be there.

p.s. Glad you're back!

Anonymous said...

This is a very nice thing to do every once in awhile. Thanks for sharing your glee. :)

Patry Francis said...

sara: most days, my glee runneth over. Not every day, mind you, but most.