Thursday, November 09, 2006


DSCN1956, originally uploaded by patryfrancis.

Not since I was hoping for responses to my agent query letters
have I waited for the postman so avidly. But every day, Michael comes without the copy of The Artist's Manual I ordered a week ago.

"Sorry, no package today," he says when he sees the disappointed slump of my shoulders

I also have yet to acquire my *real* art supplies. So for today, inspired by One Deep Breath, I decided to try a haibun for the very first time.

I knew I took this photograph for a reason!

For those of you, like me, who are unfamiliar with the form, it is a combination of prose and haiku. For a better and more complete description or to read more Haibun, visit One Deep Breath.

First chill of autumn. I traipse into the yard in my old boots and pin sheets to the line. Small satisfactions. The wind, fierce today and rising, will dry the fluttering cloth smooth. In one corner of the yard, the spot where the children used to dig. In another, our fallow garden.

Two shovels and a hoe
lean against the autumn tree
What will we dig for now?

And just in case you thought I forgot my blogging schedule, the best thing that happened to me today was that my website went live. Check it out and let me know what you think!


kenju said...

That's a great looking site, Patry (as are you). I will look for your book.

rdl said...

It's great!!!

Patry Francis said...

Thank you, Kenju! Your words are music...

R: thought you didn't like it...

Mary said...

I love it. Nice seeing a close up photo as well ....

rdl said...

I didn't say that did I? sorry, critical virgo/leo here. Just wanted the webmaster to do a good job and think you are even preetier/more beautiful than the picture portrays - tho you are preety there too, of course. have i grovled enof. :D
I probably just wanted to take the picture. :D

Crockhead said...

Great picture; great website. It loads a little slowly, but maybe that is just my ISP this morning.

Anonymous said...

It's beautiful! Can't wait to read the book.

Left-handed Trees... said...

I loved the site--a beautiful photo as well with the brilliant light (and lovely woman, of course). I was so inspired also by your the mother of three young children still slugging my way up through the "writing world", I was encouraged by your words and your full life. (Who says writers have to be tormented and twisted and living in a garret somewhere? Though, this works too I guess...) It was, truth be told, refreshing--and just what I needed today.

Patry Francis said...

Mary: That means a lot.

R: Just teasing, sister. xo

lucky: I thought you might like them.

amishlaw: Thanks for checking it out. It seems to be loading fine on my computer.

daisy: Thank you!

left-handed: Glad my bio inspired another mom-writer. It probably complicates the journey, but I wouldn't have it any other way. And I know you wouldn't either!

Sustenance Scout said...

Love it, Patry! Especially your bio. Get ready for loads of hits once your book is released!! K.

Anonymous said...

The site looks awesome, and that book is totally going to sell. I envision the whole nine yards -- Oprah, movies, cognac ads...

Go, Patry!

gerry rosser said...

The site looks nice.
Thanks for your comment on my photography in your epitaph post, and all the others you've posted on my blog.
Hope your book sells out, wait, it can't sell out, they can print more. Hope they have to print more.

Leah said...

patry, your website is awesome!! i didn't know you grew up in too! i loved reading about your grandfather and all the gorgeous pics of you.

Shannon Hopkins said...

It's a lovely site, Patry, and loaded just fine for me. Can't wait to read the book.

Patry Francis said...

k: Here's hoping!

sara: Ooh, cognac ads on the beach with the dogs! I can see it now!

gerry: Thanks for the good wishes, and yes to second and third and hundredth printings.

kat: There seem to be a lot of us Mass. natives floating around the blogahood. Thanks for casting your artistic eye on the site!

Tarakuanyin: Thank you. You all have no idea how nice it is for me to be able to share this with you--

robin andrea said...

It's a wonderful site, Patry. I can't wait to read the book. I sent you an email.

I love the idea of haibun. I am very drawn to brevity.

robin andrea said...

Patry-- My email was returned.

It will not be delivered. Would you email me -- newdharmabums at yahoo dot com. I have been wanting to write you for a while. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Your website is impressive! You're "all grown up" now as a writer. :)

gulnaz said...

that was beautiful!
i did not know about haibun, thanks...i loved it!
i cant wait to read your book!!

the website is fantastic, loved it and you are looking luminous in the picture!

gulnaz said...

i loved reading about your grandfather and getting to know about your life a little more.
i'm so happy for you!

gulnaz said...

btw, i can see a tv show or a movie based on it.

MB said...

Patry, have you any idea how proud and happy I am for you? I love the luminosity of your eyes in that light in the photograph, wow. Enjoyed your haibun

Anonymous said...

Lovely cadence. Very seasonal.

Anonymous said...

The website looks fantastic - and I like the haibun (and the photo). I only read just recently of that form.

Patry Francis said...

robin: In the past, I was almost never capable of brevity, preferring--or maybe needing to s-p-r-a-w-l, but lately I've seen the value of economy.

kathryn: Seeing the Website, I did feel a bit grown up, like I needed to go out and get myself a pair of patent leather shoes and a matching bag. But when I looked in the mirror, the same old face looked back.

gulnaz: thank you sweetie--especially for envisioning the movie! Hold that thought for me, okay?

mb: I still remember when you posted the champagne bottle on the day I sold my novel. Your friendship meant and continues to mean a lot. I thank you for it.

pearl: Thank you. Really enjoyed working in a structured form--which is usually not my style at all.

tinker: Maybe you should try one? With one of your fabulous drawings to go with it, of course.

Zhoen said...

I wanted to tell you to take your pick.

Patry Francis said...

zhoen: Potatoes maybe?

Anonymous said...
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Andromeda Jazmon said...

I love how the photo and haibun compliment each other so well. Nice job!

JP (mom) said...

This photograph almost looks like a painting! Wonderful haibun, I love the last line what will we dig for now? ...indeed, what new adventure or exploration waits? much peace, JP

Anonymous said...

Patry, the site looks/functions beautifully. And I love the striking photo of you standing defiantly, proudly, confidently in the tall grass. Much better than the somewhat too sweetly-smiling one in the bio.

Patry Francis said...

cloudscome: Thank you and welcome! Great photo by the way!

jane poe: (I love that name) Strangely, that last line was instinctive and I wasn't exactly sure what it means. But you are surely right--both about the line, and the message my subconscious is giving me about my life.

natalie: thank you, and I agree with you about the photos. The beach shots were all taken by my husband, and capture the real me, messy hair and all, much better than the made-up professional one does.

donna said...

Hey, you forgot to have eight more kids and become president!

Patry Francis said...

donna: Thank god for that, eh?

Anonymous said...

Love the website and the photos of you on the beach and your talk about Brockton make me homesick. My grandmother lived in Brockton and worked in a shoe factory. We went to her house every Thanksgiving.

Patry Francis said...

Thanks, Colleen. Wonder if we ever passed each other on the street, or maybe on Nantasket Beach...wonder if our grandparents might have known each other, maybe even worked in the same factory. Funny, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

a really great site patry. the synopsis of your book has whetted my appetite even more now, I look forward to the book itself

Patry Francis said...

thanks, ainelivia!