Tuesday, July 25, 2006


paquete amazon
Originally uploaded by jmerelo.

This is not an advertisement.

SIMPLY WAIT is not a blog that was created to promote me or my book.

Indeed, the book didn't even exist when SIMPLY WAIT began.

Since the sale that changed my life, the blog has remained pretty much the same.

I like that.

It's a place where I talk to some very interesting people. And amazingly, they talk back.

Sometimes, they--no YOU--agree with me, and that is delightful.

Sometimes YOU don't. Also delightful.

Frequently YOU make me question myself, think wider deeper thoughts, challenge myself.

THAT remains the raison d'etre for SIMPLY WAIT.

I have not written about the day to day developments in my writing career.

And I won't.


A couple of weeks ago, an astute blog reader e-mailed to say that my novel was up on Amazon. (Thank you, J.F.)

Oh, I was excited!

And tempted to post a link...

But I didn't.

Because this is not an advertisement.

And because the subject matter listed on Amazon was: 1) Judaism 2) Religion 3) Psychological fiction.

While #s 1 and 2 are fascinating topics, they have nothing to do with my novel.

THE LIAR'S DIARY is about 1) family dynamics 2) psychological suspense 3) friendship.

The novel will not be out till February 1st, but if YOU want to, you can pre-order.

No one has done so yet.

Not even me.

The sales number is a perfect 0.

You could change that.

It's a risk.You might hate the book and be out fifteen bucks plus S & H.

Then again, it might change your life. Probably won't, but it might.

My one guarantee? This novel will hold your interest to the end.

So pre-order.

Or don't. (I will still love you.)


Maybe this is an advertisement.


Anonymous said...
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Brenda Clews said...

I love the way you've written this. You should be proud of yourself - due date next February! Our babes, you know, they all count...

Promoting your book to writers? Pfshhaw. Of course you should!

Sonja Foust said...

Skipping off now to go add it to my wishlist!

Sustenance Scout said...

Better believe I'll pre-order, Patry! How exciting!! That along with the international sales. Woohoo, I'd be dancing a jig!

Loved the post on stealing, too. For me it was a rare sticker from a pack of bubblegum; I stole it from my best friend's room. While I was one of eleven kids, she had a single sister and (I was convinced!) everything I lacked.

Anonymous said...

Cool post! By all means, we bloggers must share the births of books, babies, whatever! That's what readers like, it seems to me. I get more comments when I get personal.

And yes, I'm going to put this on my wishlist! Wow, international too!

Anonymous said...

How exciting to have your words in print. I wish you very good luck with this.

liz elayne lamoreux said...

i have been a way for a little while and it just makes me smile from ear to ear...okay, from cheek to cheek because who am i kidding, my smile is BIG but not that big...to read this! congratulations. i cannot wait to read it!

Anonymous said...

That's so exciting, Patry! Thank you for sharing the news!

Now, I am going to wait for it to get to my local independent bookstore, but I will be buying it, have no doubt. While a decidedly more plodding and less gleeful approach, I think this serves you, too, because paying full price means more royalties for you, no?

Either way, though, I can't wait to read it. I know it will be wonderful.

Patry Francis said...

brenda: Yes, due in February and already preparing the birth announcements. Thank you for your encouraging words.

sonja: Thank you. I love wishlists!

scout: One of eleven! Wow! You must have so many STORIES. I'm so envious...And thank you, thank you for your kind words...

marja-leena: I so agree. It is a great joy to share good news with my blog friends. Most of my favorite blogs actively promote, announce and celebrate their work and their triumphs, and I love that. But occasionally I come upon a blog that seems to exist for the sole purpose of promotion. After a while, they start sounding like the bore at the party...

Thanks for adding me to your list!

Sara: I'm counting on you. (Also counting on you showing up at my first reading; I need the moral support.)

And very good point about the royalties!

Patry Francis said...

Coll: Thank you! Does this mean you're back at home?

Liz Elayne: I can almost feel the radiance of that smile. Thanks!

Dale said...

Well, if somebody else hasn't beaten me to it, I've wrecked your perfect sales number :-)

Sharon Hurlbut said...

Hey, if YOU don't advertise it, who will? This post made me smile for many reasons, but most of all because as a fellow writer, just basking in the glow of your success makes me feel good. Or maybe I'm just hoping some of it will rub off ; )

You can bet I'll be buying a copy (and then bugging you to sign it for me!).

Anonymous said...

Oh, I agree with everyone else. Got to get over being shy about this. It's a wonderful accomplishment, and hard earned, and I can't wait to read the book.

Anonymous said...

Very exciting. As an aspiring novelist (oh revision, thou art my master) it's awesome to hear about a success. The book is now on my wishlist.

Patry Francis said...

dale!!! I think you did it. You even beat my mother! xo

sharon: Thank you! It is indeed wonderful to share good things with friends here.

paris: The hardcover book hasn't been printed yet, but I've seen the advanced review copies, which look like a trade paperback version. They are a lovely thing to behold!

susan: Thank you, dear friend.

Todd: Ah revision--a tough, but ultimately divine master. I look forward to hearing more about your book.

rdl said...

Damn, i wish i coulda been first, i 'm sure one of your other fans have beat me to the punch.

Patry Francis said...

Wow! I'm ranked.

Anonymous said...

Whoopee! i just pre-ordered, too. I can't wait to see your style in a novel!

Kay Cooke said...

I'm getting that book!

Laini Taylor said...

Wow, that is so cool! Can't wait to read it! I'm going to cruise over to amazon now and peek at it!

Sky said...

amazon here i come! great news, patry! this is so exciting! and do keep us posted about your writing world...it is part of you!

Anonymous said...

I will be there, Patry! Just be sure you advertise the event here well enough in advance so that I can get off work, if necessary.

Make sure this place is on your tour, and I will surely come:

The Concord Bookshop

(Pictures of the town where this store stands, including likely spots for loitering, to follow over at my place as soon as I finish going through the 166 photos I took yesterday while out on a little stroll.)

Alex S said...

Of COURSE I am going to read it, and I will pre-order it though I have to wait a bit longer to balance out my $. Huge congratulations are in order and we will all have to find a way to celebrate you as the time gets closer. Any possibility for a mini book tour and you could stay with bloggers along the way to cut down on expenses?

Patry Francis said...

peter: I've now found a new and dangerous addiction--checking my Amazon number. Even though I have no idea what it means, I'm assured that it's no longer a goose egg. Thank you, thank you!

chiefbiscuit: Hoping it becomes available in New Zealand!

Laini: Yes, it's another step toward making it "real". You'll have to let me know when yours goes up!

Sky: My undying gratitude...(really)

sara: I would love to speak/read at the Concord Bookshop. My husband has also spoken to the librarian at the Wellesley library about a reading there. I'll keep you posted (after I take a valium or two.)

alexandra g: That sounds like my kind of book tour.

Anonymous said...

I'm heading over the RIGHT NOW to pre-order.

It's exciting to be published! I have a friend who's seeking an agent. SHE has a friend in Canada whose first novel published this year, and it went straight to the number 1 position on the Canadian bestseller list. It'll be released in the U.S. this September, but I couldn't wait and bought it from Canada. I devoured it, as I'm sure I will do with your book.

Patry Francis said...

kathryn: Much appreciated! Do tell me more about the Canadian first novelist. I'm intrigued!

p.s. Good luck to your friend seeking an agent.

leslee said...

Oh yay!! I'm going to go to Amazon right now... And I hope I can make it to a reading. Yes, the Concord Bookshop and/or Wellesley!

Anonymous said...

You so have to post a link to the book when we can order it at amazon for real.


Don't worry, it will be ok. Toot your horn. :) Congrats!

Patry Francis said...

leslee: Thank you! Can't wait to see you in Concord or Wellesley.

g: maybe if the writing career doesn't work out, I might have a future in advertising?

lisa: Thanks so much for asking...now if I could just figure out how to post a link in the comment section. This is it. Maybe it will go live after I publish?


Patry Francis said...

Nope. Didn't work. I'll try to figure it out. In the meantime, if you go to Amazon and type my name, you'll find it. Sorry I don't know how to make it easier. I WILL learn.

Anonymous said...

Someone's probably told you how to do this by now, but just in case they haven't, here's how to do the link in your comment section.

Type the following substituting the relevant information for the capitals. Hope this makes sense...


And many congratulations on the international sales - that's wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Duh! Of course it would do that! Stupid me. If you send me your email address I'll send you the link code...
Mine is clare ATclaredudmanDOT com

DJPare said...

Really funny post!
And obviously some effective subtle marketing by the look of the comments.

I will definitely read it when it comes out. I just finished the first draft of my first novel last week, so I can only imagine how great you must feel - congrats!