There's nothing like good company at holiday time. The kind that doesn't drink to much and get boorish, or bore you to tears by retelling the same story you've heard a million times while you stifle a yawn and watch the clock.
For me, the company this December has been very fine indeed. First my flash fiction, It, appeared in an issue of Smokelong Quarterly, edited by the divine Myfanwy Collins. Spending time with the folks at Smokelong has been an unusually pleasant experience. From Kathy Fish who edited my piece, to Randall Brown who interviewed me, I felt the personal care that goes into making Smokelong such a unique journal. I also loved the idea of the interview. Not only did it give me a chance to talk about my forthcoming novel for the first time, but I loved reading about my co-contributors.
I was even more thrilled when I realized my work was included with that of fine writers like Katrina Denza, Bev Jackson, Rusty Barnes, and Theresa Boyar. But I didn't limit my reading to the familiar names on the cover. These pieces are short. They won't demand much of your time, and there isn't one among them that won't reward you amply for your investment.
If that weren't enough to make my holidays glitter, today my poem "The Map" was included in Qarrtsiluni's meditation on the theme of "Finding Home." Once again, I was given the opportunity to work with two outstanding editors, poet Tom Montag and Lorianne DiSabato. Tom leaped in and fiddled with my poem "like it was one of his own," which proved highly instructive to me, and Lorianne added her own thoughtful insights.
The diversity of vision and quality of expression at Qarrtsiluni continues to startle and delight. It is a pleasure to share in this growing experiment.
You deserve only the best of company, Patry. I'll have to come back and read both entries tomorrow.
The best I've done is emailed four or five of my Christmas stories as a Christmas present. I've enjoyed doing them. Problem is, I'm still writing others...lol
Congratulations, Patry! I saw your name on the cover of SmokeLong, but haven't had time to dive into all the wonderful work yet. I'm saving it up as an after-Christmas present to myself.
oh! The Map gave me goosebumps (as does everything else I've ever read of yours!).
Patry, I was thrilled to have your flash in the SmokeLong I edited. It is an exquisite flash. Thank you for letting us have it!
Patry, what a glorious poem! And I love your piece in SmokeLong!
Patry, I read It.
Beatifully written. Very compelling, telling so much in so few words. Loved it. Thanks :)
(You have to fix the link to It. I believe you put a dot at the end of the link. Sorry I'm saying this here but I couldn't find your email).
Congratulations. I read your poem and it was divine, and left goosebumps.(I wrote that before I saw Myf had written the same thing!) I'm going to devour Smokelong quarterly shortly and with it, your story.
Hello Patry,
I am discovering a new online dimension through you; thank you so much for those links. Your "It" story is beautifully told, your writing is truly compelling, and I loved your interview, too.
I love the written word. English is my 2nd language and although I am fluent (albeit with an accent when I speak) I am often frustrated at my difficulties of expressing what I want the way I want. I used to be a promising writer in my mother tongue (German) but even here my language has suffered terribly because these days I translate from English into German which doesn't make for elegance, let alone grammatically correct structure.
Nonetheless, I learn through reading. And this is my resolution for next year, to read more, and to write more.
Thank you and I wish you a peaceful and fun Christmas.
Congratulations on yr. 2 latest publications. I love the poem and can't wait to read the flash piece.
Have a great XMas!!
Way to go!
Vickie: What a wonderful gift a story makes! Great idea.
sharon: At this point, most reading has ceased for me, too, as well as so much else.
Myf: Thanks so much--for this and for introducing me to Smokelong.
Katrina: Thank you and ditto. Like Myfanwy, you are so generous in promoting other writers. It was great to read something of yours.
Melly: Thanks for your kind comment--and also for pointing out the problem with the link. I'm always screwing those things up.
Jordan: My friend! Thanks so much.
Kerstin: You write so beautifully in English. It's hard to believe it's a second language. But then so many of my favorite poets and writers have written in English as a second language. Maybe it adds an extra resonance to the writing. Enjoy your Northampton holiday!
Thanks, R. And a happy merry to you!
Nature: Thank you! Are we acquainted by any chance?
Colleen: Thanks for coming by! Holidays must be great in Floyd. I'll be thinking of you.
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