Monday, October 31, 2005


Originally uploaded by Pumpkin Chief.

That's right, the annual effort to write a novel, or at least get 50,000 words on your computer (or in your notebook) in a month begins tomorrow. That's 1667 words a day if you don't miss a day. And tomorrow begins in 16 minutes. So if you're a late night writer, it's time to start brewing some coffee and warming up. Your characters have something to say and they expect you to be awake and alert to say it!

If, on the other hand, you do your best work in the early hours of the day (which I do, at least, I think I do) you better get your butt to bed.

Ready or not, the great writing race starts now!


Anonymous said...

Good luck, Patry! I hope you'll fnid some time to let us know how it's going.

katrina said...

Good luck, Patry!

MB said...

Your title alone made me laugh out loud, Patry!

Good luck, my friend. Do you suppose we'll see any of the results?

Anonymous said...

Funny that I've heard of "NaNoWrimo" but only just now learned that it started in Vancouver, Canada in 1977 :

Good luck, Patry! And hey, I'm glad you've updated blogger commenting, so I can finally comment here. Love your writing!

Anonymous said...

Good Luck, Patry, night two....xo

Patry Francis said...

Thanks for all the good wishes, and to all those who are participating, I wish you luck and a cooperative and energetic muse as well.

Moose: I'm hoping you'll see the results in book form!

diana: Don't look back; just write. At least, that's what I'm trying to do.

marja-leena: So happy to see your name and your comment here. I'm going off to check out the site you recommended.

Anonymous said...

I signed up on Nov 1st. When I read "you will be writing some rubbish", I thought well I can give this a go.

But HELP PLEASE. Have just tried to access the website, and although the home page is there, whenever I click on anything, it comes up completely blank.

Is anyone else aware of a problem??

Anonymous said...

Patry, are you participating or not? I didn't quite understand. Sorry, I'm a bit confused.
I'll try to find you in NaNo...

Linda said...

marja-leena--the site you pointed us to is a different thing from NaNoWriMo. NaNo started in the San Francisco Bay Area and has been around for about 6 years, iirc. The NaNo site is I thought you might want to know because it's not too late to give it a try, if you want to.

Good luck, Patry.


Anonymous said...

Regarding my last post, don't anybody panic, (like I did) there was a database crash, but they have it up and running again as of yesterday evening GMT.

Good luck everyone.

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